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Insider Secrets to Cheap Flights - Downsized Agent Reveals All

Posted by charity to GAZA Wednesday, November 24, 2010 0 comments

It makes me ANGRY every time I hear how much flyers just like you pay for their flights. Finally the truth will be revealed in my whistle blowing new guide. Using my secret techniques you will be able to fly where you want when you want without breaking the bank.

The airlines have made threats and demanded that their dirty little secrets never be made public, but I have fought to keep my guide available to weary consumers. You owe it to yourself to grab a copy of my guide while it is still available and stop paying too much for all your flights.

"If you are planning a vacation, wish you could visit distant family or just want to see the world then my guide is for you. I give you all the essentials on how to get Extremely Cheap Flights, tell you the scams to avoid and reveal all of the biggest money saving and confidential insider secrets the airlines have threatened me to keep silent about..."

The Shamefully Greedy Airlines...

It doesn't matter if you call on the phone, go online to a discount travel site or use your local travel agent, the whole system is designed to get you to pay more for your flights than is fair.

The airlines work tirelessly to come up with new ways to extract the most money they can from you. The schemes they employ against their own customers sound like they were designed by organized crime.

With so many new fees, horrible service and no extras, you are paying way more and getting way less. Now they even want you to pay for your bags to come with you! There is not limit to how far the airlines will reach into your pocket.

I am ashamed to say that I know all of this because I used to be a part of the airline's crooked system...

Downsized Without Warning...

I gave my heart and soul to my company for 9 years. I always did my best to be a good employee and serve the customer as honestly and fairly as I knew how. I was working my way up, and had just went to a leadership conference two months before the bad news came down.

I went out to lunch on a beautiful spring day and when I got back, my job had literally been shipped overseas. The corporate jerks didn't even give me the common courtesy of a notice that I was going to be terminated.

The official story was that our center was being closed in order to boost the company's sagging stock price. The real story is so much more devious that it still blows my mind to even think about it today.

My boss and good friend Jeff told me "off the record" the real reason why so many of us had lost our jobs that day. The company had determined that we were too easy on customers, and weren't milking them for all there were worth!

They decided to move our jobs overseas, where they could better control the systematic ripping off of their customers. I literally could not believe this was happening. It was in that instant that I knew what I had to do..

Time To Spill My Guts About The Airline's Dirty Tricks...

That afternoon as soon as I got home I began frantically writing down all the inside information I had learned in my time working for the airlines, while it was still fresh in my mind. I knew it was the right thing to do.

I filled page after page until it was enough for a whole book. When I was done, I compiled every secret into a PDF and called it "Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights". This guide is my revenge against the airlines, for sacking me over my lunch break and ripping off their own customers. It's called karma baby!

The confidential information in my guide is only known by those deep inside of the air travel industry.

You will be stunned when you read my guide and realize just how much you have been over paying for your flights all these years. The airlines go absolutely crazy every time this inside information gets used against them.

The Airlines Fight Back...

When Jeff found out about my guide, he warned me that they would come after me with guns blazing. Boy he was right.

The airlines desperately want keep this information out of your hands. I can't be sure how long I will be able to provide this explosive info, before I am hit with legal sanctions by my former employers. The threats and intimidation have already begun. Do not miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to learn how to save a fortune on all your flights.

I wish I could provide this information to you for free, but if these secrets ever became common knowledge, they would become useless. I guarantee my guide will more than pay for itself with the incredible savings you will realize by using these secret techniques.

Make All Your Travel Dreams A Reality...

If you are planning a vacation, wish you could visit distant family or just want to see the world then my guide is for you. I give you all the essentials on getting cheap flights, tell you the scams to avoid and reveal all of the biggest money saving confidential insider secrets the airlines have threatened me to keep silent about.

Think about all the vacations you could take or the family you could visit, if you knew how to get dirt cheap airfare. When you begin using the insider secrets in this guide, you will be able to make all your travel desires a reality. Flying whenever and wherever you want will absolutely change your life.

Special Note For Non-US Travelers: The inside information in my guide will be extremely valuable to you and will work with any airline around the world. Very large savings can be realized when purchasing expensive international airfare, not just domestic flights in the United States.

Here are just some of the shocking Insider Secrets that I will reveal to you in my guide.

Remember, this confidential information is guaranteed to save you cash every time you fly.

Sneaky Airline Pricing Tricks...

You will see the disgusting practices of airline pricing and how unadvertised taxes and hidden fees can make a deal that looks good into a stinker. I always hated giving people the bad news that their "special fare" included tons of junk fees and taxes that normal fares did not.

You will also gain access to top secret information revealing the times of the week you should search for airfares, to be the very first to take advantage of specials and limited time promotional prices. They would freak out at my old company if they ever knew this information could get into the hands of travelers.

Secret Airfare Search Sequence...

You will learn my secret Sequence to searching for the lowest fares. This mind blowing system alone could save you thousands of dollars. The airlines live in fear that more people will actually learn this incredibly effective search sequence that allows you to get the best deal possible on your airfare.

Avoid The Airline Website Trap...

Learn the upsetting revelation about Airline website trickery and how the best deals are sometimes just below the surface. They are usually missed by most website visitors, but not if you know how to find them.

I will also show you my secret internet browser method you can use to trick airline sites to displaying different deals than you would normally see. This tip would drive the IT department at my old company to madness, if they ever knew people knew about this dirty little secret.

Frequent Flyer Fundamentals...

You will be exposed to the surprising secrets of the airline's frequent flyer programs, and the website that can help you leverage these cryptic programs. Most frequent flyer programs are built on shaky promises, so you need to learn how to get the most out of your hard earned miles.

Also, you will learn my explosive method for turning a bad flight experience into a travel payday. Do not ever let a negative incident with an air carrier go uncompensated. I will tell you the ways to get what is rightfully yours.

Top Secret Money-Saving Techniques...

* You will learn the truth about airline mistakes, and just how much these hidden gems can save you. The airlines are not going to like me telling you about this one. These mistakes usually end up with someone fired, and some lucky travelers saving boatloads of cash.
* You will learn the secrets to "Drop Off Flying", and how you can take advantage of airline pricing schemes to save big. This trick drives up the blood pressures of all the airfare planners at the airliners, because you will be beating them at their own game.
* You will be instructed in the secret method of "Skip It Flying", and how you can actually save more by buying more. This method used to drive my boss nuts, he always said there ought to be a law against this "trick".
* The secretive method of using multiple carriers for your flights will be exposed to you, and how combining sales can save you piles of dough. The airlines absolutely despise this secret money saving technique.

The Best Time To Book To Save Big...

You will be enlightened to the time of the week to absolutely avoid booking airfare, so you do not get gouged by the airlines automatic fare increases. It always blew my mind that the airlines were so despicable as to charge people more just because of the time of week that they booked.

Also, discover the 12 hour window in which nearly every airline will release the very best fare deals, and how to get them before they are gone. The lucky customers that unknowingly call during this time always get some of the best deals imaginable.

The Truth About Travel Agents...

Discover the surprising truth about Travel Agents and why buying online is not always better. Your local travel agent (if you even have one) is still a good resource, and I will tell you why they may become your best friend when looking for deals.

You will also be walked through the secret, exact phrasing you should tell your Travel Agent to get them to find even lower fares for you. Not every agent will automatically keep the lowest price in mind, even when you ask them to, learn the phrasing that will make them do your bidding.

International Pricing Loopholes...

Learn the dirty little secret about One-Way International travel loopholes, and how you could save a fortune by taking advantage of International pricing loopholes. This amazing trick can literally save you thousands of dollars on international travel.

Also, learn about the typically unused special pass available for North American travel, and how it can save you big time. A great trick for anyone coming to America on Holiday.

A Warning About Online Travel Sites...

Discover that not all Travel Discount sites are created equal and what you need to do to avoid being gouged by Third-Party travel booking sites. Just because a site has cheap or discount in its name, does not mean that they really are cheaper, you have to be very careful.

Big Savings For Seniors, Families, Students And More...

* Learn the secrets to saving loads of money when traveling with children and the tricks the airlines might try to use against you and your family.
* The little known websites that can help student travelers save tons of cash on flights to home and for fun.
* The sad truth about the state of senior discounts, and the secret methods for seniors to still save big on air travel. It is very unfortunate that our eldest citizens don't get the respect they deserve from the greedy airlines.
* Finally learn the truth about clergy fares, and the airline's false hopes. It just disgusts me that the airlines would act like this towards men of religion.
* Learn the shocking truth about last-minute fares, and what you need to do to avoid being taking advantage of by so called "last minute deals".

You Need For More Information?? Just Click Here

Everything You Need To Know About Canvas Tents

Posted by charity to GAZA Saturday, November 20, 2010 0 comments

Many camping enthusiasts enjoy the comfort of canvas tents while they are out in the wilderness. The only thing that is certain about nature is that nothing is certain. Canvas tents are durable and can withstand rain and wind much better than standard tents. They are generally well constructed using quality materials and are simple to set up. This is especially beneficial to the most common purposes for canvas tents, which is shelter for hunting and fishing trips.

Canvas tents offer sturdy walls, floor and roofing. They are usually accompanied by metal bars to secure the tent on site. In this instance, you will definitely get what you pay for. Canvas tents offer heavy duty zippers and high walls and ceilings. They are designed for the most comfort in camping by offering wilderness buffs an opportunity to stand up, walk around, stretch out or even sit down in a chair and relax. The high ceilings provide additional comfort to campers while also providing extra headroom. This comes in very handy, especially for the taller individual.

When shopping for canvas tents, it's a good idea to decide on a budget before you start browsing. If you know how much money you can spend, then you will be better prepared to make a decision and will be less likely to overspend. After all, you will need to save some money for the additional camping supplies that you will want to take along for the trip. It's always a good idea to work out a reasonable budget anytime before you make a substantial investment. When shopping around, keep in mind that canvas tents are more expensive than other models and can be priced at several hundred dollars each. For a model with more features, they can cost as much as $1,000.00 or slightly more.

There are a few bonus features to look for in canvas tents, including the presence of a back door to allow more air to circulate during the warm summer months and a tent bag for convenient storage and transportation. If possible, purchase a white canvas tent because the white color reflects light inside much better than colored tents. Before making a final decision, you may want to consider the weight factor. Larger tents are much heavier and can be more difficult to set up but, if that's what you need, then go for it. If a smaller lightweight tent will work for you, then consider that option as well.

Canvas tents are more expensive, but they are a true investment. A quality product, with proper care and maintenance, should last for up to 20 years or more. Now, that's a lot of camping.

Getting Ready To Go Camping

Posted by charity to GAZA 0 comments

So you want to take your kids camping just like you did as a child with your parents of grandma or grandpa. Opps the camp ground they took you to is now condos on the lake .

Let assume you are new to camping but you have some experience as a child. You will need to become familiar with camping gear. If you have a friend that camps a lot you can go with them to learn the basics.

Ah go with a friend and show him he is smarter then me not a chance. For I would never hear the end of it.

The first thing you will need is some type of shelter for you and the kids.
Then you will need some thing to sleep in a sleeping bag and something to cook with. Pots and pans portable barbecue hey I know how to use that. Already you are on the road to your first camping trip.

What Gear Do I Need?

Most first timers start out with a tent. The first tent should not be to expensive but it should provide good shelter in the wind and rain. With all the models out there spend some time looking them over do not get one that requires a masters degree in engineering to set up. Stay to the basic needs as you get more experience the tent can be given to the kids as you will upgrade to a fancy one.

Remember you are camping on a budget no use in spending thousands of dollars for all the gear only to find the wife , kids, or your self hates camping. The tent should shield you from bugs sun and the rain.

More than 600 easy to do money saving tips in the 10-Minute Tech The Book.

There are bugs our here in the wilderness so be ware. The tent should have a good screen to keep the little varmints out and yet be easy for the kids to open.

The tent will be some place to sleep and store your cloths. If the weather turns bad them the kids can play or read in the tent under supervision. It is nice to sleep under the stars but you will have to get a tent sooner or later.

So choose one that has enough room for you and the family and all the gear you will want to put in the tent while you are out swimming. Your tent should cost between 100 to 200 dollars depending on the style you pick for your family

If you want to sleep in a tent or under the stars up should have some type of padding The ground is not comfortable to sleep on. You will find padded mats made from plastic with air bubbles, vinyl cover stuffed pads and the good old air mattress.

I prefer the air mattress as it also doubles for the family to float around on the lake. If you go with the air mattress remember you will need a pump to blow them up a large foot pump works best.

Sleeping bags

If you are like most people you will be camping in the summer and early fall so do not buy a sleeping bag rated for -20 weather this will just be extra money that could be use for some thing other thing you will want.

The light rectangular sleeping bag will do If you and your spouse want to sleep in the same sleeping bag just zip them together and you will have one large sleeping bag. Do not forget your pillows but if you do roll up your towels they can make not a bad pillow.

Be sure to have at least two ground tarps at least the size of the floor of your tent. Place on down on the ground then set your tent on it. The second one may be used as a shelter above the picnic table.

Campground Cooking

All of use love the smell of food cooking outside whether it is at the camp ground or in the backyard. If you barbecue a lot at home you all ready have the basic now how to camp cook. Most public camp grounds and private camp ground will have a picnic table and a cooking pit at each camp site.

Take a portable grill with you and you will feel right at home. Pick up a gas stove and a set of pots and pans and you are ready to be a camp chef, remember a coffee pot as the nearest coffee shop may be 20 or so miles away.

Depending on you level of cooking skills you will now be able to prepare meats as if you were at home.

When shopping for gear go to the local big box store as they will carry every thing you need. Some will have tents set up if so climb in ask yourself is this roomy and will every one fit in comfortable. along with all the stuff you will take with you.

If the tents are not set up mark out a piece of the floor at home with tape this will be the same size as the floor of the tent call a family meeting and get every body to lay in the tape lines you laid down is it the right size? If not reassess your needs.

That's are that much closer to have a fun camping trip for all!

Attracting droves of tourists every year, Europe promises the ancient, the diverse, and the completely fascinating. Most travelers scurry past the major sites and cram in as much as possible in order to get through a list of 'must sees.' Unfortunately, much is overlooked due to lack of time and money while the infinite unique treasures sometimes hidden for the resourceful traveler remain undiscovered and unappreciated. Not that visits to the key attractions should be dissuaded!

On the contrary, I'm simply inviting the European travelers to dig a little deeper into their destination country and find the gems that will make them smile as they recall them even decades later. Remember and celebrate the taste of a fresh German pretzel, the sweet smell of the air in a Tuscan vineyard, or the baby soft petals in a colorful field of Dutch tulips. Savor an entire spectrum of sensory bliss as you skip from one country to the next, searching for that tiny unique detail that you will fondly relish for the rest of your life.

Oozing volcanoes, thousands of earthquakes, and countless exploding geysers you can set your watch by – it doesn't sound like a coveted vacation destination. However, Iceland is quickly becoming the newest hot spot for travelers. Just a hop from the U.S.'s East Coast or Western Europe, this little island country is easier to visit than one would think.

Iceland's attraction is its untamed countryside. Considering that most of this rugged island is uninhabitable, this leaves much open space and fresh air to the brave adventurer for exploring. The landscape is forever changing as the shifting continental plates refuse to give this country a moment of rest. Stand in awe before raging waterfalls and frozen glaciers, hike deep volcanic craters and rocky lava fields, even enjoy ice fishing, whale watching, puffin and other sea bird watching, kayaking and jet-boating. Iceland can be easily discovered with the help of local tour companies – the only question the tourist must answer is if they prefer to go by bus, snowmobile, or gentle Icelandic horse.

Not into roughing it? Iceland will still satisfy – the country is rich in cultural treasures, indulgences, and a serious patron of the arts. Savor a gourmet meal at a world-class restaurant, take in the unique artistic styles at a museum, learn about the tectonic plates and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at a geological center, enjoy one of many musical concerts by local, national, or international talent, or soak your cares away in the steamy Blue Lagoon. The lagoon is probably Iceland's most famous destination as an oasis of heat amid its chilly surroundings. Heated by geothermal energy, the intense cloudy blue waters feel almost scalding at times and are chock-full of healthy minerals. Troughs of soft white silica mud sit warm in the water for visitors to slather on – all while enjoying the balmy sunbeams and the crystal clear sky.

Despite its seemingly cold and uninviting name, Iceland boasts a mixture of friendly people, fascinating traditions, and an unsurpassed landscape. Need to get out?

Spain Travel: Year Round Events

Posted by charity to GAZA 0 comments

Spain is one of the better countries in the world with rich culture based on religion and customs. The country is inhabited of about 45 million people of whom 80-94% are Roman Catholics. This is the reason why local as well as national events are based on Catholicism and faith. Spain is also home to several great things to do. While in this country, you will never have to worry how to spend your days because believe it or not, Spain travel can give you total vacation experience.

Here are some of the events you can catch and the things you can do if you decide to travel to Spain:

Run with the bulls. If you dare and tough enough to face the challenge of running with the bulls or simply want to join the fun without actually getting face to face with the bull, Pamplona should be your destination. The festival happens every July and has already attracted visitors from all parts of the world. The celebration is offered to San Fermin, the patron saint of Pamplona. This religious and unusual celebration makes Pamplona a good destination for your Spain travel.

Skiing and Mountaineering. Visit Catalunya, Aragon, and Torremolinos and Malaga in Andalucia and stay at one of the top winter resorts in Spain. Perfect time to go is during the late spring where you can have your winter sports by day and go at the beach and sunbathe in the afternoon.

Watch the Primera Liga Live. See you favorite football stars like Zidane, Raul, Roberto Carlos, Figo, Ronaldo, and David Beckham as they all play for the best football team in the UAFA Cup: Real Madrid.

Café all Day. Treat yourself in the relaxing day at one of the café in Spain. The country has lots of cafés in every village, town, and city where you can spend your whole day chatting with friends or alone savoring the Spain environment.

Go to local village fiesta. Spain travel might not be complete if you haven't seen any local village fiestas. Since every town has their own patron saints to offer thanksgiving, you can never miss attending one. Fiestas normally have parades, religious activities, and parties during the night.

Meet the Artists. Spain travel would introduce you to several world-renowned artists. Visit Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Barcelona beach's giant copper fish and other Gehny's contemporary structures. Know more about the art of Antoni Gaudi in his structures at Barcelona and get introduced with his unusual tile style and graceful organic curve.

Take a glimpse of Diego Velazquez's art in Prado Gallery in Madrid. Diego Velazquez painted the "Old Woman Cooking Eggs" and "The Rokeby Venus". And of course, who would not recognize Pablo Picasso? See his work Guernica at the Reina Sofia. Or visit the Picasso Foundation in Malaga.

Stay during the Holy Week. Spain travel is also ideal during holy week where the whole country commemorates that passion, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. See all the plays, activities, traditions, and the celebration of the country. If you are not a Catholic, you can still witness this activity.

Eat Snails. The Snail Festival happens every snail Lleida give you a different appetite for food. Although snails are the main course, you can also drink, dance, and eat other local foods all day and all night.

Antalya Turkey Holidays

Posted by charity to GAZA Thursday, November 18, 2010 0 comments

Antalya is Turkey's major and charming holiday resort in the Mediterranean region which is called the ancient Pamphylia. This is a beautiful city with endowing palm-lines alley. A superb marina is present on the Mediterranean which makes the Antalya different. This is a fascinating place in Turkey which is moreover good for natural beauty rather than anything artificial.

There are some grand and awesome historical remains that astonish the viewers. Antalya contains various waterfalls and cascades than can be felt thoroughly. The bewitching beauty of the cascades tends to captivate the tourists and thus leaves a permanent impression about the holiday.

The upper Duden waterfalls can be seen about 14 km north east of Antalya. The tourists who come here try to capture the beauty by walking rather than hiring a taxi. Feeling each step of beauty is different from just passing bye. The Duden waterfalls ultimately descend into the sea. The sounds of the waterfalls and serene atmosphere tranquilize the minds of the viewers.
The Duden waterfalls in Antalya can also be viewed from the sea. Other great waterfalls that can be noticed here are the Kursunlu Waterfalls and Nilufer Lake. Both of these beauty icons are 18 km away from Antalya which are the epitome of beauty. The Lara beach is scattered with sandy spread is the archetype of a white bed spread.

Closer to Antalya lies the pebbled Konyaalti Beach which presents a panorama of the majestic mountain range. Little far away is Bey Dagi called the Olympos that is the National Park along with the Topcam Beach equipping more lavish scenery. There are bivouac grounds at the north end of the park. This shelter, moreover, enables to withstand the beauty of the nature.

For a picturesque view of the neighborhood of Antalya, it is essential to make a drive to the holiday complex which is situated heavenly on top of the Tunektepe Hill. Antalya is an ideal winter resort in Turkey. There are enormous snowed mountains that can be skied. March and April are the best months for enjoying this. Savory lunch is offered here including fresh fish at the Marina. In the afternoons, sunbath along with wind surf can be enjoyed.

Duzlercami Park that is positioned in the north of Antalya is under a conservation program. The trip towards this wild life gets eventually interrupted with the marvelous 115 meter deep Guver Canyon. There is small museum in Antalya. Majority of the artifacts are being displayed in other museums that are spread all over Turkey. An Archaeological Museum that has the remnants of the Paleolithic Age to Ottoman times gifts a coup d'oeil of the area's rich history.

Antalya thus becomes a natural expedition by feeling nature’s beauty. Shopping is not major exhibition here. People come here due to the immense cosmos of beauty and life. However, there is no tiredness or boredom as it happens in other resorts. There is enough and more things to be captivated slowly and reaching the heavenly beauty of Antalya.

Altinkum Turkey

Posted by charity to GAZA 0 comments

Turkey has many beautiful resorts along the Aegean coast. Altinkum is one such small resort town on the shores of the Aegean Sea; it is only 90 minutes transfer from Bodrum Airport. The town has got its name after the golden sand on its beaches. Altinkum means “golden sands”. The magnificent beaches of golden sand gently shelving into the shimmering turquoise blue water of the Aegean Sea is an enchanting sight. Altinkum resort has three beaches. The main beach has plenty of sunbeds and umbrellas for basking on the beach. Or you can go swimming in the nice, clear blue water of the Aegean Sea. Plenty of water sports are also available; children enjoy going on the pedal boats. There are enjoyable boat trips that take you around the bay and the Castle. The second beach has many bars and restaurants facing the sea. The third beach is a smaller more secluded beach.

Apart from swimming and basking on the beach, there is plenty of sight seeing you can do. There are many interesting ancient sites you can visit near Altinkum. A short ten minutes journey from the resort center is the Temple of Apollo where you will see the famous head of Medusa adorned with snakes; and you will be astonished with the size of the columns here.

For a longer day-out visit, go to see one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the ruins of Ephesus. It is a well-preserved classical city on the Mediterranean, and gives you a feeling of what life was like in Roman times. It is said that the Virgin Mary, at the end of her life, came to Ephesus accompanied by St. Paul. Also St. John is said to have lived the last years of his life here and after his death, a shrine, the Basilica of St. John was located over his grave.

You can take a boat trip to the Greek island of Samos. Samos lies at the north-eastern part of the Aegean Sea. Visitors are enchanted to see the charming mountainous landscape of Samos with the essential beauty of the nature and the historical spread all over the island. It is a unique experience.

Or perhaps you will enjoy a walk around the beautiful Bafa Lake nearby; it has a magnificent mountain backdrop. Visit the Didim Aqua Park, just outside of Altinkum resort; the Aqua Park was built in 2004 and is very popular.

For relaxation and entertainment, there are a large number of restaurants and waterfront bars open until around midnight; later the party atmosphere moves to nightclubs. It can get lively in high season when the holiday spirit is in full swing.

There are many good hotels at Altinkum resort. The Didim Beach Resort, one of them, has its own golden sand beach situated in one of the beautiful bays of the Aegean coast. The hotel has facilities for games such as tennis, table tennis, basketball, etc.; it also has swimming pool, Turkish bath & sauna as well as fitness center. The hotel has its own shopping centre and disco within the complex. The hotel is 90km from Bodrum Airport.

Amsterdam the Greatest Small City

Posted by charity to GAZA 0 comments

Europe has many beautiful tourist destinations. However, it is absolutely undeniable that by far, Amsterdam is one of the best. The population of 735000 is proud of this ‘greatest of small cities in the world’. There is the world famous canal system to explore and the fantastic personification of tolerance and diversity that is synonymous with the romantic and beautiful city of Amsterdam. A trip along the canals is a must for every lover of architecture. The city is also known for soft drugs and prostitution. Amsterdam ably competes with cities like London, Paris and Milan. However, in comparison, the city has more to offer for less.

Amsterdam caters to every tourist’s needs. There is the presence of a unique culture, exquisite nightlife, amazing lodging options for every budget, great transport connectivity and the authentic bike experience. The beautiful weather all year round has made this jewel of The Netherlands a popular tourist destination for travelers from all over the world. Among the popular tourist attractions in the city are the museums, canals, coffee-shops and the water taxis.

Tourist attractions - The Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk and the Van Gogh Museums are very popular. Amsterdam has over fifty museums! The coffee shops in Holland or The Netherlands are an amusing sight because they not only sell small amounts of cannabis, but are also regulated! The coffee shops are not allowed to cater to anyone under-18 and beyond 5g. The city flaunts over three hundred options in accommodation that have been categorized as the best money can buy.

Amsterdam travel routes - Amsterdam offers good provisions for dedicated cyclists, such as bike paths and racks. There are an estimated one million bicycles in the city. Public transport in Amsterdam is available in the form of bus and tram lines. There are also water taxis and a water bus. There are dedicated canal cruises that enable tourists to explore the Amsterdam's waterways.

Visitors come to the beautiful city of Amsterdam for its reputation of being a liberal city. The city offers visitors a charm that is emphasised by elegant houses and the ever-enchanting canals. The popular Anne Frankd House is a ‘must-see’ in Amsterdam. The people are known to be very warm and welcoming and very accommodating.

Amsterdam lodging options - Amsterdam has a number of lodging options for tourists. There are luxurious hotels and budgeted ones too, to cater to the need of both, leisure and business travelers. There are popular youth hostels all over the city. These offer single accommodation at very cost effective prices. The lodging in Amsterdam includes meals and sight seeing options, depending on whether you are a walk-in customer or a guest with prior booking and arrangements.

Some of the lodging options worth considering in Amsterdam include:

The Park Plaza Victoria Hotel: Across the Amsterdam Central Sation, very near Dam Square, this fantastic lodging options offers double rooms from 66 pounds onwards. The hotel is known to offer discounts as much as 63%. The hotel keeps offering special rates to attract tourists and list among the favorite options offered by travel agents, the world over.

Hotel City Garden: Located in the heart of this beautiful city, the hotel offers double rooms from 39 pounds onwards. The amentities are among the best and it is conveniently located for business travellers. The warm and cozy hotel promises tourists a near-home experience.

NH Center Amsterdam: This stately lodging option is next to the Vondel Park, near Leidse Square and Museum Square. The tariff offers double rooms from 71 pounds onwards.

Amsterdam hotels and accommodation can be accessed via the dedicated websites of the hotels and travel agents. You can choose from luxurious accommodation in Amsterdam, to a cheap and cost effective budget hotel or even a Schiphol or airport hotel.

The best approach:

This "Venice of the North" attracts travelers from all over the world. Amsterdam has evolved into a meeting ground for various cultures and sub-cultures. The city has people from different backgrounds living together within a distinct urban environment. The lodging options at Amsterdam can be accessed online via dedicated online resources, however, a little prior research and comparison helps a lot. It pays to reserve and plan your holiday in this beautiful city.

Although traveling by air is the fastest way to move from places to place while traveling by car is convenient and comfortable and traveling by bus is the cheapest, not one of them can be compared to the unique experience trail travel could give.

Train travel might not be the most popular way people move. This could be because of the length a trip could take compared to air traveling. Another reason could be the monotony of sights that might bring boredom to passengers. Another could be the price one single train travel could cost compared when taking a bus. All these contribute to the decreasing popularity of train travel but it does not mean that train travel is not good at all. In fact, with a little wit and personal creativity, one could enjoy train travel.

1. Expect to travel for long hours. In this way, you don’t have to look at your timepiece regularly or ask a crew with the most annoying question you also would not want to hear: “Are we there yet?” Keep in mind that if you are crossing state boarders, train travel could take more hours than driving your own car at your own phase. And sometimes, train schedules are not met so you don’t have to nag every crew with the train schedule.

2. Relax and enjoy the scenery. If you are traveling during daytime, you could see sights that might not be possible to see if you are traveling by plane, bus or car. Try to enjoy the scenery. You can even bring binoculars to help you see more views closer.

3. If you are a reader, this is the best time to read. Trains are more stable than bus. So if you would like to read without controlling the motion of your hand with the book, the train could provide you with stability. Bring a book of your favorite author. You can also consider finalizing your report if you are going to present it on meetings.

4. If you are not into sightseeing and reading, you can bring your portable CD player or iPod. Bring your most favorite albums you could bring. Or, if you have an iPod, you can store all your songs to your library. Make sure you have spare batteries.

5. Be friendly and polite. If a person asks favors from you, be more than willing to do it. Train travel would offer you new acquaintances and friends.

6. Do not intrude other people’s business in the best way you could. Respect other people’s privacy.

7. Talk to the crew nicely. Although they would not throw you off the train if you shout to them, doing such is not proper. They are well trained and very friendly, be nice to the crew.

8. Take time to meet other people. Since you expect to be on the train for several hours especially if you are crossing state borders, you wont be doing so much. You can roam around the train and meet other people. This is the best time to have someone to talk to.

9. If in case you are traveling with your children, make sure you provide them with lots of activities. Bring along activity books, quiet toys, color pens, crayons, papers, reading material, coloring books, and video games. In this way, you keep them entertained.

Eastern Russia – Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Magadan

Posted by charity to GAZA Saturday, November 6, 2010 0 comments

With an incredibly large land mass, Russia is really many countries in one. In this article, we take a look at travel destinations in the Far East.


A naval port city on the Pacific Ocean, Vladivostok has a passing resemblance to a run down San Francisco. Home to the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, the city has lost a little of its luster as spending on the military has dried up. Like San Francisco, the city is built on the hills surrounding a harbor with the center of the city sporting a nice collection of architecture from the pre-communist era. The city is dotted with parks and scenic points overlooking both the harbor and Sea of Japan. Although the center of the city is very clean the surrounding suburbs have unbelievable industrial pollution problems. As the saying goes, “A nice place to visit, but you wouldn’t want to live there.”


The largest city in Eastern Russia, Khabarovsk is the headquarters of the Far Eastern Russian Military Command. The city is built on merge of two large rivers, the Amur and Ussuri. Vying with Vladivostok, the city is a major tourist hub for Asians flying into Russia and has a corresponding open atmosphere. Although Khabarovsk is primarily a military and industrial city, it is a good launching place to pursue inland activities such as fishing, exploring and hiking. The city is also an excellent location to pick up the Trans-Siberian Railway for the trek to the west.


The town of Magadan is located in the far north of Russia on the Pacific Ocean. The town is very remote and can be classified as the stereotypical frozen Russian town in the middle of nowhere. So, why would anyone visit Magadan? The town has played a major role in the suppression of Russians throughout history.

Under Stalin’s rule, Magadan and the surrounding area was the final stop for many exiles. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of political prisoners and “undesirables” were sent to Magadan to be dispersed to labor camps mining for gold. Indeed, the only road to the town is known as the “road of bones” for the prisoners who died building it.

Today, a large memorial stands in Magadan in memory of the dead. Trips can also be arranged to visit the decrepit gulags and labor camps used so mercilessly by Stalin during the Red Terror. Ironically, the town has also gained a reputation with hunters and anglers as a launching point as game is plentiful in the area. Much like Auschwitz, a visit to Magadan serves to remind visitors of the evil man will visit upon his fellow man.

The cities and towns of Eastern Russia are nothing like those found in the west. Having lived in Russia for a year, however, I believe they are a better representation of the conditions in Russia as well as the soul of the country.

The state of Utah in the United States is home to lots of beautiful National Parks, & Bryce Canyon National Park ranks as three of the most magnificent & awe inspiring.

Bryce Canyon isn't a canyon. it is the spectacular edge of the Paunsaugunt Plateau, a place where intricately carved towers & archways of stone shimmer in a dazzling array of colour under the bright sun.

The rock in Bryce Canyon is composed of layer after layer of sediment deposits, deposited millions of years ago when the area was at the bottom of a lake. Now the Paria River has exposed the layers, allowing a detailed history of the lake to be determined.

15 million years ago the earth in this region began to shift, forming a series of plateaus. The Paunsaugunt is an extensive plateau, with the Paria River gradually eroding away the edge to form Bryce Canyon.

The Park itself was established in 1924, & was named after an early settler in the area, Ebenezer Bryce. they emigrated from Scotland, married a local girl then moved southwards in stages, building sawmills as they went.

In the mid 1870s they reached the Paria River, where they & his relatives settled for a number of years. It was at this time that Bryce made his immortal comment about Bryce Canyon - they called it "one hell of a place to lose a cow".

The area remained basically undiscovered by European tourists, the first guest houses only being constructed around the time when the park was officially established.

Luckily this has led to Bryce Canyon being an area of largely unspoiled beauty, as well as the enormous scientific value of the historic information trapped in its pinnacles & spires.

The canyon is by no means a stagnant place - the rim recedes by an average of about a foot every 50 years, & in this ever changing scene it is water that plays the most vital role in the shaping & eventual destruction of the magnificent scenery.

Because the rock was laid down in layers, there is a variation in the hardness of the rock formed. When water runoff trickles across the rock, some areas erode rapidly whereas others hold firm.

This variation in erosion speed causes the formation of pinnacles, or "hoodoos" of stable rock. In some places the water seeps down through cracks & eats out holes beneath the surface. When the side rock erodes away, an archway is left behind.

Eventually the arch collapses, leaving one more pillars to join the rest. The ever changing vista of colours, spires, walls & archways is spectacular at any season, & the park is open all year round.

Here you can wander through the Queen's Garden, or gaze up at Queen Victoria herself surveying the 'flowers' in her garden. Some of the most awe inspiring lookouts are situated in this area, including Sunset Point & Inspiration Point - a must for any visitor.

In the warmer months there's lots of trails for the visitor to explore, ranging from easy strolls to hard hikes. Some of the best trails are located in the Bryce Amphitheatre, located near the entry to the park.

Summer months can cause temperatures in the base of the canyon to soar, so it is very important to be prepared for the heat, & over lots of water.

Walkers can also follow the Fairyland, Riggs Spring & Under-the-Rim trails, which are longer, but permit more opportunities to see the different elements of the park at close quarters.

For the energetic, it is possible to cross-country ski in a number of areas in the park, & on some trails it is possible to go snowshoeing instead of hiking.

In winter the roads are opened between snowfalls, allowing a different perspective of the park. Snow capped pinnacles stand out sharply against the background of white snow & dark green trees. The air is also cleaner, allowing visitors to see great distances.

If you require a slightly different view of the park, it is possible to explore the park in a 1930 limousine. Alternatively, you can rent a horse on an hourly basis to trek some of the better trails.

there is lots of interest to explore in the park, apart from the marvellous scenery of the 'silent city', as the hoodoos are sometimes called. The park also contains a large variety of plants & wildlife, including meadows & forests.

Some bears & mountain lions also enter the park occasionally, but are seldom seen by tourists.

Ground squirrels abound near the viewing areas, & their antics are to distract the visitor's eyes from the scenery. On quiet mornings & evenings it is also possible to see deer, elk & antelope grazing on the meadows.

Bryce Canyon is a hidden jewel, thoroughly deserving to be as widely known as its southern neighbour, the Grand Canyon. Include it on your itinerary, & you definitely won't be disappointed.

In fact, you may be completely overwhelmed by the fascinating & awe inspiring beauty of Bryce Canyon, like every other visitor.

Bangkok, der erste Eindruck

Posted by charity to GAZA 0 comments

Schon seit der Schulzeit war ich von Thailand und dessen Kultur fasziniert. Mein Traum war es schon immer mit Rucksack einfach mal einen Flug zu bestellen und ein Monat oder gegebenenfalls durch Thailand zu reisen.

Nach meinem Abi, nahm ich mir also ein Ticket mit einem Freund und in nur wenigen Tage befand ich mich in einem Flugzeug Richtung Thailand, oder besser gesagt Richtung Bangkok!

Bangkok sollte nicht mein Reiseziel sein, sondern meine Startpunkt meiner Thailand Reise. Allgemein wird Bangkok nur selten als Touristenstadt angesehen, sondern als Reise Mittelpunkt, von wo man in allen Ecken von Thailand oder gar Asien gute Transport Verbindung hat.

Nach einem Flug durch die halbe Welt, sind wir im Flughafen in Bangkok um 3 Uhr morgens angekommen, müde von der langen Reise, aufgeregt auf unser Abenteuer. Bevor man noch zu seinen Koffer kommt, begegnet man zum ersten Mal einen Thailänder an der Pass Kontrolle. Die Beamten sind sehr streng und sprechen ein schwer zu erkennendes English. Aber sobald man einen gültigen Passport mit Visa vorzeigen kann, gibt es keinerlei Probleme. Noch an der Passkontrolle wird man von Vorne und vom Profil von einer Mini Camera fotografiert und man nimmt Fingerabdrücke ab, alles in modernster Fassung! Schnell kommt man jedoch mit Taschen und Rucksack zum Taxi, (der auch nicht wirklich English sprechen kann aber immer wieder "okay" ausruft) und versucht in die Straßen Viertel " Khao San Strasse " zu kommen.

Die Fahrt dauerte lange, eine Stunde im Auto, und die Sonne stieg langsam auf. Durch die Provinzen von Bangkok sieht man noch in der Morgendämmerung um 4 Uhr morgens die ersten Schüler in Uniform und Rucksack durch die Strassen laufen. Auch waren schon Märkte offen und es wurde Gemüse und Früchten gekauft. Irgendwie schien Bangkok nicht mehr zu schlafen, trotz der Uhrzeit.

Angekommen in der Khao San Strasse, befanden wir uns plötzlich in Mitten von Bangkok, im Touristen Viertel, wo es angeblich nur von Hostels und billigeren Hotels wimmele. Doch als wir um kurz nach 5 ankamen, waren die Strassen leer, kein Menschenseele auf den Straßen. Doch Die Strassen machten keinen friedlichen Eindruck, sondern eher ein beengten Eindruck. Ein Gebäude klebte an dessen Nebengebäude, Jedes Fenster auf jeden Stock war mit bunten Zeichen und Schildern versehen. Die Strasse war zwar Menschenleer, doch trotzdem voll von Farben und Information. In diesem ganzen Chaos konnte man nicht mal wieder erkennen, wo sich ein Supermarkt befindet, wo sich ein Hostel befindet und in welcher Strasse man sich überhaupt befindet. Die Stille war dazu erschreckend. Wir entschieden uns schnell ein Hostel ausfindig zu machen und unser Schlaf nachzuholen. In unser Zimmer, mit Fenster auf Khao San, legten wir uns schlafen.

Doch schon nach eine Stunde wurden wir von einer Welle von Musik, Lärm, Geräuschen und Rufe geweckt. Schockiert standen wir vor dem Fenster und sahen eine Strasse, die nur von Menschen wimmelte. Khao San war überfüllt von Touristen, Thailänder, Geschäftsmänner, Kinder und Mönche. Der Lärm, der zu unserem Zimmer stieg, war ein Gemisch aus allen möglichen Sprachen, Thailändischer Musik, Gebete und mehr. Auf Khao San befand sich nun von Schritt zu Schritt ein Verkaufsstand nach dem anderen. Gerüche von gebratenem Essen, von Früchte und anderem stiegen in unsere Nase.

Mein erster Eindruck von Bangkok, war schockierend von der Menge von Farben, Menschen, Information, Gerüche, Smoke in der Luft, Autos etc. Ich stand unter einem richtigen Kultur Schock. Bangkok ist eine überfüllte lebendige Stadt, die mit nichts in Europa vergleichbar ist. Auf der anderen Seite fasziniert Bangkok einen jeden Menschen. Diese über 6 Millionen Einwohner Stadt ist voller Leben, Moderne und Kultur. Asien scheint wie ein Zauber auf uns Europäer, die neue Gerüchte, die neue Geschmäcke, die neue Gesichtern… Bangkok ist eine neue Welt und das in aller Größe!

Gardening: Getting Green In A Hotel In Barbados

Posted by charity to GAZA Thursday, November 4, 2010 1 comments

If you are stuck in a hotel in Barbados but wish to get in touch with nature, that is not a problem because the West Indian Continental-island country is very rich in various fauna and flora. The Caribbean island is home to many different kinds of beautiful and marvelous plants. Many Horticultural society and club were founded because of the lucrative hobby of gardening. Different garden houses were built on the isle, which gathers a lot of attention from tourists who want to enjoy the sights of beautiful flowers and plants available only in the country.

Barbados being a tropical country is rich in many colorful shrubs and has a wide range of flowering plants and other plantation. Almost each of the 7 parishes of the country has their own luscious garden to be proud of. The Parish of St. James has the Lancaster Great House Gallery and Gardens. The Andromeda gardens and flower forest can be found in the parish of St. Joseph. Because of the number of plant and flower enthusiast, the Barbados Horticultural Society was founded by many plant aficionados. By joining this society, members can enjoy special invitations, discounts and other perks. Members of the Horticultural club only pay 5 BDS$ instead of the regular 15 BDS$ entrance fee for various garden spots on the country.

The tropical weather allows much plant life to grow and blossom in this Caribbean island. Trees like the Golden Palm is abundant in the isle, aside from palm trees, many frangipani and cordial trees offer a cool shade for other plants like orchids and other flowering plants to grow and blossom. Rare plants can also be found on the west-Indian continental country like the Rainbow Eucalyptus which has a varied colored tree bark. Plant enthusiast will really have an eye candy treat with the variety of flora growing in many of the country's gardens

Vegetarians will also have stomach filling meals as the country offers many Bajan vegetables dishes for them to enjoy. Pumpkin Fritters is an ideal snack for those who love something sweet and spicy. Rice is often cooked with a variety of peas like pigeon peas, black eye peas or split peas. Vegetables like Okra and Asparagus are often sprinkled with lime juice and sautéed in butter. There are also unusual fruits for tourists to enjoy in local restaurants. A large green football sized Breadfruit which is similar to potatoes in taste and texture, is often served lathered in a butter, tomato and onion sauce or fresh cucumber and lime souse. Plantain may look unpleasant when uncooked but it is quite popular in local restaurants. It is a member if the banana family and usually served wrapped in bacon and baked. The sugarless member of the melon family, Chrisyophene is another unusual vegetable which is commonly served with cheese sauce.

The Caribbean island has so many wonderful caves and gardens to explore. So after arriving in the country and finding a hotel in Barbados, get your gears ready and explore Mother Nature at her best in this tropical island.

Nile cruise tours are a unique experience that combines adventure, stunning scenery and history.

Nile cruise ships are the ultimate way to discover Egypt and its ancient wonders. The Nile has remained for centuries one of the most mysterious and intriguing travel destinations on earth. It is hard to compete with what a Nile river cruise has to offer in terms of culture and history. Nile cruise tours are a unique experience that combines adventure, stunning scenery and history.

On a Nile river cruise expect to see the temple of Karnak that was constructed over a 2000 year period and is one of the most striking historical sites. In Luxor see the temple that was constructed for the ritual practices of the Festival of Opet. You will also be taken to the Valley of the Kings that contains over sixty royal tombs including Tutankhamen's.

In the beautiful city of Aswan in the southern part of the Nile you will visit Kitchener's Island with its botanical assortment of plants from around the world. See tombs, visit markets and museums. Peruse for hidden treasures that you can take home as a souvenir.

Packages are available from various companies that include airfare from London's Heathrow airport. You can experience the Nile with airfare from 989 to 1399 for a seven night cruise. Dates and times are based upon the flight schedule from London and ten excursions are included in the price.

Nile cruises let you see Egypt in a way you cannot experience in a land only holiday. Have the experience of a lifetime with a.

Weekend In Panchgani

Posted by charity to GAZA 0 comments

Penchant is situated at a distance of 18 km east of Mahabaleshwar on the river side of the Sahyadri ranges. Due to this reason this place is free from heavy rain and fog. Panchgani has cold climate and is blessed with the scenic beauty which grabs the attention of many. There is splendid scenery of Krishna Valley from West to East which has many villages, there are cultivated fields all around and one can get the picturesque view of view of the backwaters of Dhom Dam. The annual rainfall at Panchgani is only about 2,000 mm, which is one third to Mahabaleshwar annual rainfall.

Panchgani Travel

Panchgani lies between 5 hills and it derives its name from the five hills. It is known as 'Switzerland of India' It is a peaceful mountain retreat which lies in Krishna valley. This is one of the most sought after hill stations of Maharashtra.

Panchgani is 1,334m above the sea level and is about 38m below Mahabaleshwar. This hill station is away from the hustle and bustle of the city life of Pune and Mumbai. One can spend the leisure time here and enjoy the weekend. Panchgani is the first town to which one reaches when you from Mahabaleshwar on the Pune road.

Tourists visiting to Panchgani can also enjoy a network of nature walks as there are thick woods and lush green surroundings. River Krishna which flows through Panchgani passes through the small settelments, farms and ravines. One can also pay a visit to the flat mountain peak and enjoy the beauty of the coastal plains, which seem to be like minute watercolours.

Tapola is another important place, where one can find a water sports centre. You can also tickle your taste buds with Strawberries and cream, which are served at different joints positioned on the road to Mahableshwar.

How To Get There

By Air

Pune Airport is at a distance of 160-km from Panchagani.

By Rail

Pune Railway station is also at the most convenient distance from Panchgani.

By Road

One can also reach Pancgani by road from Mumbai and Pune as luxury buses are available. These buses promise to you a comfortable journey.

If you plan to visit Panchgani you can book the tickets online so that there is no inconvenience. The beauty of this place will leave you awestruck so quickly plan your trip and enjoy in the lap of nature.

Save Your Money NOW !!!

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